2024 Conference Schedule


CHECK-IN @ 6:30 PM

7:00 – 9:00 PM   The Writer’s Lens: Your First Page (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)—BettyJoyce Nash

7:00 – 9:00 PM   Architect Your Story (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)Preslaysa Williams

7:00 – 9:00 PM   Building Your Social Media Platform for Authors (Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, and Business of Getting Published)—Heather Weidner

7:00 – 9:00 PM   Perfecting Your 10-minute Author/Agent Pitch (Business of Getting Published)—Jackie Kruzie

9:00 – 10:00 PM       Meet and Greet Happy Hour near Blue Bar


FRIDAY, Nov 8, 2024

7:30 – 8:30 AM Check-in/Continental Breakfast

8:30 – 9:45       Welcome/First 10 lines critique session

9:45 – 10:15     Keynote Address by Yasmin Angoe

10:15 – 10:30   Contest Awards


10:45 – 12:15    Revising Short Fiction: Writing IS Revision (FictionBettyJoyce Nash

10:45 – 12:15    Generative Exercise: Exploring Point of View (Fiction)Jody Hobbs Hesler

10:45 – 12:15    How Hot is Your Hook? (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)—La Sheera Lee

10:45 – 12:15    Creative Event Planning for Authors (Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, and Business of Getting Published)Heather Weidner

10:45 – 12:15   Memoir Writing: Discovering Your Life Arc and Writing about Others (Creative Nonfiction)—Kyle Marie McMahon

10:45 – 12:15   How to Find a Literary Agent? (Business of Getting Published)—Nikki Terpilowski


12:15 – 1:15    Lunch Buffet


1:25 – 2:25    Writing in General: NO RULES (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)—Jack Campbell

1:25 – 2:25    Write about the Person You Know Best: Yourself (Creative Nonfiction)—BettyJoyce Nash

1:25 – 2:25    The Life of a Traditionally Published Author (Business of Getting Publishing)—Preslaysa Williams

1:25 – 2:25    On Mindful Writing:  How Can ‘The Flow State’ Help You Become a Better Writer?—Nikki Terpilowski

1:25 – 2:25    Revising Poems to Create More Impact, or: How to Use a Trash Compacter (Poetry)—Henry Hart


2:35 – 3:35    Understanding Your Readers’ Responses (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)—Dr. A.D. Nauman

2:35 – 3:35    Everybody Does It: Writing Sex (Fiction)BettyJoyce Nash

2:35 – 3:35    How I landed an Agent (and a Second One) (Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, and Business of Getting Published)—Heather Weidner

2:35 – 3:35    Writing Your Thriller or Suspense Story (Fiction--Thrillers and Suspense)Yasmin Angoe

2:35 – 3:35    The Dreaded Synopsis (Fiction and Business of Getting Published)Jackie Kruzie

2:35 – 3:35    Voice in Poetry (Poetry)—Kathy Smaltz


3:45 – 4:45     Non-traditional and Non-Western Ideas to Give Your Story a Unique Feel (Fiction)—Jack Campbell

3:45 – 4:45     From Idea to Premise (Fiction and Nonfiction)—Kyle Marie McMahon

3:45 – 4:45     An Introduction to Book Reviewing and Literary Citizenship (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)—Jody Hobbs Hesler

3:45 – 4:45     Writing the Essay (Creative Nonfiction)Kate Lewis

3:45 – 4:45     Do You Know Your Character? (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)La Sheera Lee

3:45 – 4:45     Retelling the Old Stories, or: How to Put New Wine in Old Bottles (Poetry)—Henry Hart


5 – 6:30            Networking Social/Silent Auction Fundraiser; heavy hors d'oeuvres & cash bar

7 – 9:00 PM     Open Mic


SATURDAY, Nov 9, 2024

7:30 – 8:30 AM Check-in/Continental Breakfast

8:30 – 9:45        Welcome/First 10 lines critique session

9:45 – 10:15      Keynote Address by Jack Campbell

10:15 – 10:30    Readings of first pages of first place winners


10:45 – 11:45  Best Practices for a Positive, Constructive Critique Workshop (Fiction & Creative Nonfiction)—Jody Hobbs Hesler

10:45 – 11:45   Should I Get an Agent (Business of Getting Published)—Jackie Kruzie

10:45 – 11:45   The Foundational 5 Cs of Creative Storytelling (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)—Kyle Marie McMahon

10:45 – 11:45   Outline Your Novel or Memoir: A Workshop for Pantsers & Plotters (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)Preslaysa Williams

10:45 – 11:45   Birthing a Fictional Character (Fiction)—Dr. A.D. Nauman

10:45 – 11:45   Writing from the Shadow (Poetry)—Kathy Smaltz


11:45 – 12:45   Lunch Buffet


12:55 – 1:55     Effective Dialogue (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)BettyJoyce Nash

12:55 – 1:55     Inside the Reading Room (Creative Nonfiction/Journalism)—Kate Lewis

12:55 – 1:55     Writing Historical Fiction (Fiction)—Dr. A.D. Nauman

12:55 – 1:55     Making your Author Website and Email List Work for You (Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, and Business of Getting Published)—Heather Weidner

12:55 – 1:55     Choosing a New Perspective, or: How to Write Martian Poetry (Poetry)—Henry Hart


2:05 – 3:05      Queries 101 (Business of Getting Published)—La Sheera Lee

2:05 – 3:05      Narrative Tension: The Promises Writers Make (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)—Jody Hobbs Hesler

2:05 – 3:05      Smart Editing for Smart Novelists and Memoirists (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)—Preslaysa Williams

2:05 – 3:05      Firearms in Fiction—My Story Has a gun in it. Help! (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)—BettyJoyce Nash

2:05 – 3:05      How to Pitch Essays & Op-Eds (Creative Nonfiction/Journalism)—Kate Lewis

2:05 – 3:05      Line Breaks in Free Verse/Open Form Poems (Poetry)—Kathy Smaltz


3:15 – 4:15      It's All About You--Establishing Your Author Brand (Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, and Business of getting Published)—Heather Weidner

3:15 – 4:15      Pacing in Flash (Fiction and Nonfiction)—Kate Lewis

3:15 – 4:15      Self-Editing for Self-Publishing VS Traditional Publishing (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)—Kyle Marie McMahon

3:15 – 4:15      Classifying Your Hero, Villain, & All the Folks in the Middle (Fiction)—Yasmin Angoe

3:15 – 4:15      Writing an Epistolary Poem, or: Finding the Right Voice for Your Reader (Poetry)—Henry Hart


4:25 – 5:25    Details, Details: Scene Setting and Description (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)—BettyJoyce Nash

4:25 – 5:25    5 Tips for Helping Readers Empathize with Your Villain—Yasmin Angoe

4:25 – 5:25    Writing Fiction for Social Justice (Fiction)—Dr. A.D. Nauman

4:25 – 5:25    Make a Scene (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)—Preslaysa Williams

4:25 – 5:25    Lessons from a Six-Book Series (Fiction and Creative Nonfiction)—Jack Campbell

4:25 – 5:25    Nature Poems (Poetry)—Kathy Smaltz